Sunday, November 2, 2008


This is my hostel…I stay in preetilata hall of residence of NIT,Dgp….one of d premier colleges of India,possibly next in line to the IIT’s.i m posting ftr a long time…bt der,dnt blame me for wenevr I sat to write I ws eithr so scared dat I had 2 luk to the window of my 1st floor rum evry 10 seconds wether deres sum peepin tom waching me (nd my concentraton went 2 dogs)…..or odrwise I ws staring fixedly towards d door in fear of a 5feet snake trying 2 venture thru d crack of my door…all dis in 1st floor room of one f d most esteemed colleges of India…yes dis is my hostel.

We hav a common joke floating in d hostel corridors….i’l suffer 4rm urinary infection cuz I dnt go 2 d loo late in d n8s 4 fear of eithr jst being bitten by d snake or being hurt by a thief roamin’ in d corridors….gawwwwd…gimme a brek,seriously in a girls hostel…v hav a case where a man was caught around 4 45 in d morning wid his hands inside d room f a pre final year in d 2nd floor.are u kidin me?pls…my parents didn’t send me her 2 b filmed in a flick or being bitten in a ghastly manner…nobody’s did.

We don’t hav d l8 nite chats cuz I m scared 2 rtrn 2 my rum ftr d bhaat session…..we dnt go 2 d bathrums,ndrstandly…..nd we alwaz keep our windows locked evn tho we mite b suffocating inside 4 fear of sumbody waving thru d windows…dis is my hostel.Wat wrse man,final year f d college…

Nd 2 mak maters worse dis is d icing on d cake….d security guards mocks us dat v mite hav ‘invited’ guards inside…..hw dare he….our application 2 beef up d security in nd around d hostel is lost in dis xtremely loooooooong process of ‘administrative hierarchy’…nd 2 talk abt dguards nt killin d snake…he goes around in d jungle(dat is d area around d hostel) at 9 30 in d n8(he lies well) 2 luk 4 d snake W/O A TORCH. Kill me…

Dis is my hostel…or is dis?

P.S- 2mrw we r goin 2 go 2 d director… longer d administrative hierarchy….fuk d system...

1 comment:

Bad Ass Thambi said...

hehe.. reminds me of those good old gtalk stat messages frm LH public...

"Theif in LH"

"Administration sucks"
hehe.. nice one..

but who are u..? i mean i dont see a name in here..! :)